Robotik Technology UK The key benefits of pharmacy automation

As the experts in pharmacy automation, Robotik Technology UK know a thing or two about why it’s a good idea to automate your pharmacy dispensing processes. We have carried out more UK installations than anyone and our fully UK based team have built up a huge amount of experience in the process. We understand both the challenges and benefits involved and have shared what we think are the key benefits of pharmacy automation with you below so that you can decide if it is right for you.

We think that it is the future of dispensing.

There is an automation solution that will fit you

There are a range of different automation options which enable your business to benefit from automation in a way that makes sense to you. Our solutions are far more adaptable than you might think including:

  • De-blistering automation that can be manual or fully automated
  • MDS compliance aid automation into tray or pouch
  • Calendar pack automation for walk in or bulk prescriptions
  • Accuracy checking automation
  • Storage and distribution aid automation

Not all businesses will benefit from all of the above options. What is right for a large community pharmacy multiple with centralised fulfilment will not be right for a dispensing doctor. We can help you understand what type of automation will work well for your business and what benefits you are likely to realise. Pharmacy automation is not about technology, it is about adopting new processes that enable you to work more productively, grow your business and your profits.


The key benefits of pharmacy automation

When you have made a decision about what type of automation will help you achieve your goals you can expect a wide range of benefits. Here is our list of the key benefits of pharmacy automation that you can safely anticipate…

  • Improved productivity of your existing team
  • Increased speed of items dispensed in the same space with the same team
  • Increased volume of items dispensed in the same space and time with the same team
  • Reduction in dispensing error rate improving patient safety and reducing duplication of work
  • Release of resources to support business growth whether through more dispensing, clinical services or even more exciting projects that you’ve never been able to find the time for
  • More time to spend caring directly for patients enhancing your relationships, providing professional satisfaction and building loyalty

If you would like to talk to us about these and the other benefits you can look forward to if you take the step to automate get in touch for a no obligation chat or to arrange a free demonstration at our state of the art facility at TechSpace One in Warrington, Chesire.


Why automate?

In the challenging environment faced by pharmacy operators today there are many ways in which automation can help you thrive rather than survive.

Increased efficiency can help you keep pace the increase in prescribing year on year in a proactive and profitably way

Increased speed, even on walk-ins, can help you reduce waiting times, increase patient satisfaction and grow customer loyalty

Increased accuracy can help you maintain the highest standards of care while reducing replication of work and enhancing patient safety

The combination of all of these benefits can help you resist the impact of cuts on healthcare budgets and the intensified competition this is creating

Sadly the pressures on pharmacy operators are only growing. Taking a positive step and investigating how pharmacy automation can help you stay ahead of the curve will put you in a strong position.

Automation in it’s various forms is key to many modern pharmacy businesses but the choice of equipment, suppliers, where to start, where to end can occupy many months of planning and research time. However time spent in planning and preparation will be key to ROI and improved customer and staff satisfaction.

There is much to consider. Now that you understand the key benefits of pharmacy automation you are in a better place to make a decision. At Robotik Technology UK we don’t just sell machines, we help you achieve your business goals through pharmacy automation. We’ll be at your side from day one to day done and beyond.


Get in touch

Get in touch for an informal chat or to arrange a free demonstration at our state of the art facility at TechSpace One in Warrington, Chesire.

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