Pharmacy automation manifesto

We believe that automation has an important part to play in the future of pharmacy.


We believe that automation has an important part to play in the future of pharmacy. We are dedicated to delivering that future. We have spent years exploring what will work and developing the capability and capacity to achieve it. We have installed over 50 pharmacy automation solutions for independent and multiple pharmacies, hospitals and prisons in the last five years. We believe that pharmacy in the UK is unique, so our fully UK based team are focussed purely on our home soil. We are striving for a future in which pharmacists and their teams are liberated from the chains of dispensing process to fulfil their clinical potential.


We constantly research the global market to maintain our position as the pharmacy automation experts in the UK and bring the latest technology to our shores. Our clients guide and drive us to innovate and improve our solutions to meet and exceed their needs. By working at the cutting edge we learn alongside the best in the business. By employing and nurturing the best we develop world-class automation solutions that traverse hardware, software, support and consultancy. We don’t just sell machines, our wide range of end to end solutions help clients to achieve their business goals through pharmacy automation.


We are passionate about support and remain at our client’s side from day one to day done and beyond. We aim to raise awareness and understanding of pharmacy automation throughout the UK. Installation of a pharmacy automation solution is the first step on a journey. Our specialist teams partner with clients to clarify their goals, develop and implement the best solution and act to secure the end result. We don’t just install and go. As far as we are concerned, the job isn’t done until the return on investment is secure. That is why our first clients are still our clients today. If that is the kind of support you are looking for, look no further.

As far as we are concerned, the job isn’t done until the return on investment is secure.
That is why our first clients are still our clients today.

Come and see for

Contact Form Demo

We have built a state of the art demonstration facility so that you can see for yourself how you can move forward with pharmacy automation.

If you have further questions on anything you have read then why not give us a ring: