Pack Dispensing
What is a Pack Dispensing robot?
A Pack Dispensing robot is a machine to store original pack medication in a managed space and to retrieve the packs at point of dispensing. They are commonly seen in the UK behind the dispensing counter and support the team in quickly and accurately dispensing a customer’s prescription.
There are two main designs of robot – a channel or a chaotic system.
A channel robot does not have a robot arm but drops packs from within the robot from locations called “channels” which are sloping shelves.
A chaotic system robot has a robot arm and stores packs within the robot on shelves in a seeming “chaotic” fashion which is in fact best fit based on size and frequency of movement.
Our solution comes from Mekapharm and as the video shows we offer channel, chaos and a combination of the two systems.
Why Pack Dispensing?
There is an increase of workload at the pharmacy while there is pressure on the number of staff and the additional activities they are responsible for. This is why pharmacy groups are looking at ways to reduce the pressure on their front line. Using a robot to store and move packs within the pharmacy dispensary has a number of advantages.
- It speeds up the dispensing process therefore reducing queues in the shop
- It uses shelf space more efficiently freeing up vital space
- It automatically manages expiry dates reducing the risk of out of date stock
- It improves overall accuracy of dispensing
- It supports the pharmacy in managing more workload without an increase in staff hours

Why our robot?
Not all robots are the same. You cannot just compare based on price as robots are designed to achieve different workloads. Imagine comparing a Ford Mondeo car with a Ford Transit van, they are both vehicles but they are designed to achieve different things.
Our collection of robots offers solutions to different customer problems. Our robot arm is special as it;
- Is faster than any other system as it moves at 7 metres per second, other systems move at no more than 2.5 metres per second
- Can pick up and hold multiple different packs at the same time
- Grips rather sucks a pack leading to no risk of opening rather than moving boxes
- Has no head rotation leading to greater reliability and faster speed due to less overall movement
- Can support a combination of channel and chaos system robots
This unique design and operation supported by advanced technology makes our robots the fastest available and suitable for a variety of pharmacy environments.

Cap Depo
Cap Depo is a French pharmacy wholesaler located in northern France. It operates an automated system for just in time delivery of drugs to its pharmacy customers. This provides them with a way of purchasing and storing product outside of their retail space and having it delivered just when they need it.
The video provides a demonstration of the technology we can provide through Mekapharm. It also shows the vision and ability to automate a complete process to drive down costs and achieve efficiency.
The audio for the video is in French.
Range of Robots
We offer a range of solutions to support the needs of any pharmacy. Our Pack Dispensing robots are unique in their speed, reliability and operational capacities. Each solution offers something distinct and unique and fits a specific pharmacy need.
Omega – offers the fastest chaos system available retrieving and delivering packs quicker than other solutions
Apoteka – offers a reliable and popular channel system which is a cost effective solution for lower volume pharmacies
Optima – provides a combination of a single robot using Omega and Apoteka systems to deliver high speed and capacity in one solution
Alpha – offers a self loading system for Omega and Optima systems providing a reliable method of loading product with minimal staff involvement
In the tabs to the left are technical sheets for each of the solutions available.
Come and see for
We have built a state of the art demonstration facility so that you can see for yourself how you can move forward with pharmacy automation.
- Unique Automation Experience
- See Pharmacy Future Under One Roof
- No Obligation Demonstration
If you have further questions on anything you have read then why not give us a ring: